BG High‐Quality and High‐Potency Concentrates
Our extraction team at BG is constantly producing high‐quality and high‐potency concentrates. All of our concentrates are made only with BG terpenes, never a third party. Currently, BG produces Crumble, Budder, Sugar, Sauce, Diamonds, Badder, Live Resin, Live Badder, Live Budder, Vape Cartridges, and Dablicators. Below are some textures that we currently make, with their most distinctive characteristics:

Dry and dense consistency, opaque, ranges in color from yellow to amber depending on the starting material. Waxier, easier to handle.

Crystalline consistency, looks like wet sugar, opaque to translucent, typically bright yellow to amber in color depending on the starting material.

Very loose consistency, ranges from white to bright yellow in color, rich in terpenes, and somewhat difficult to handle.

Crystalline THCA and HTE, very loose consistency, translucent, typically bright yellow in color.

Softer and more malleable consistency, opaque ranges in color from yellow to amber depending on the starting material. Easy to handle, but a thinner viscosity.

Crystalline THCA, completely translucent, clear in color.

Live Resin
The truest representation of the flower in concentrate form: plant material is prepared and flash-frozen instantly to capture the purest flavor of the strain used for this premium product.

BG’s CO2 Cartridge
BG’s CO2 Cartridges are extracted using the CO2 Supercritical Fluid Extractions (SFE) technique. This extraction method is known to provide the safest concentrates made for vaporization cartridges. Our glass ceramic-core cartridges are guaranteed to draw smooth pulls by heating the concentrate to the perfect temperature.

BG’s Distillate
BG’s Distillate is made in a similar fashion to our CO2: only the oil is derived from Hydrocarbon extracts as opposed to CO2. Once distilled, strain‐specific HTE (High Terpene Extract) is then reintroduced into the oil. This ensures a true representation of the flower in distillate form.

Strain‐Specific Cannabis‐Derived Terpenes
Our CO2 Oil and Distillate are made with BG strain‐specific cannabis‐derived terpenes and contain NO diluents, additives, carrier oils, or third‐party botanical terpenes. Our oils have absolutely no cutting or thinning agents. In short, we extract our cannabinoids and terpenes, and put them together to make a full spectrum product that is a true representation of the flower!